2022-2023 MS Science of Reading Recipient

It was a great day to be a North Bay Tiger!

Congratulations to our students and faculty for being recognized as a Mississippi Department of Education Emerging Science of Reading School.

Today’s recognition is one we value a great deal because it reinforces to our students, teachers, parents, and community that the work being done here at North Bay is important, is making a positive impact on our students’ learning outcomes, and is appreciated.

We are grateful for teachers who have a growth mindset, who work to ensure they teach reading in a way that research supports are best practices, and who reflect regularly and adjust as needed.

A special thank you to WLOX and WXXV for joining us, Tracy Shields for her work in decorating and prepping the gym, Trevor Child’s for his photos and help documenting today’s events, and Dr. Necaise, Mr. Ferry, Mr. Fry, Ms. Caine, and Ms. Ladner for working to have the BHS Band, Color Guard, and Cheerleaders present to make the celebration a fabulous event musically. Teamwork makes the dream work!